Internet Discoveries between 25 August and 1 September

  • Configure Unify Execute
  • What to know about messaging platform Telegram and the arrest of its founder in France
  • DuckDuckGo AI Chat at DuckDuckGo
  • Capt. Grace Hopper on Future Possibilities: Data, Hardware, Software, and People (1982)
  • Dokku: my favorite personal serverless platform
  • Nuclei: Open-source vulnerability scanner
  • Free Public APIs
  • The Monospace Web
  • Assist - Talking to Home Assistant
  • ChartDB
  • Elasticsearch is open source, again
  • Learn AWS Pentesting
  • The secret inside One Million Checkboxes
  • End of the Road: An AnandTech Farewell
  • Bypassing airport security via SQL injection
  • Using Fibonacci Numbers to Convert from Miles to Kilometers and Vice Versa
  • What is Li-Fi? Get the Details on What Might Be the Next Big Thing for the Internet

Interesting details

Configure Unify Execute - CUE makes it easy to validate data, write schemas, and ensure configurations align with policies. Get started learning about CUE with these links ..


What to know about messaging platform Telegram and the arrest of its founder in France - The founder of encrypted messaging service Telegram has been detained in France over the weekend as part of an investigation into a lack of moderation and criminal use of the platform.

DuckDuckGo AI Chat at DuckDuckGo - DuckDuckGo. Privacy, Simplified.

Capt. Grace Hopper on Future Possibilities: Data, Hardware, Software, and People (1982) - On August 26, 2024, the National Security Agency (NSA) released a digital copy of a videotaped lecture, “Future Possibilities: Data, Hardware, Software, and People” that Rear Adm. Grace Hopper gave to the NSA workforce on August 19, 1982.

Dokku: my favorite personal serverless platform - It’s often desirable to have HTTPS for your site. Dokku makes this easy with the Let’s Encrypt Plugin, which will even auto-renew for you. I don’t use this, because I’m letting Cloudflare handle this with its proxy.

Nuclei: Open-source vulnerability scanner - Nuclei is a fast and customizable open-source vulnerability scanner powered by YAML-based templates. With its flexible templating system, Nuclei can be adapted to perform various security checks.

Free Public APIs - APIs with the highest Health Scores. Health is calculated from latency, error rate and reliability. An API for public holiday data. Supports over 100 countries. Provides information on holidays and long weekends.

The Monospace Web - Monospace fonts are dear to many of us. Some find them more readable, consistent, and beautiful, than their proportional alternatives. Maybe we’re just brainwashed from spending years in terminals? Or are we hopelessly nostalgic? I’m not sure.

Assist - Talking to Home Assistant - Assist allows you to control Home Assistant using natural language. It is built on top of an open voice foundation and powered by knowledge provided by our community. Assist is available to use on most platforms that can interface with Home Assistant. Look for the Assist icon :

ChartDB - Editor Import / Export 100% Visually DBs Design for your database PostgresSQL Ready MySQL Ready SQL Server Ready SQL Lite Ready MariaDB WIP Packed with features

Elasticsearch is open source, again - [D.N.A] Elasticsearch and Kibana can be called Open Source again. It is hard to express how happy this statement makes me. Literally jumping up and down with excitement here. All of us at Elastic are. Open source is in my DNA. It is in Elastic DNA.

Learn AWS Pentesting -


The secret inside One Million Checkboxes - A few days into making One Million Checkboxes I thought I’d been hacked. What was that doing in my database? But let’s back up.

End of the Road: An AnandTech Farewell - It is with great sadness that I find myself penning the hardest news post I’ve ever needed to write here at AnandTech. After over 27 years of covering the wide – and wild – word of computing hardware, today is AnandTech’s final day of publication.

Bypassing airport security via SQL injection - Like many, Sam Curry and I spend a lot of time waiting in airport security lines. If you do this enough, you might sometimes see a special lane at airport security called Known Crewmember (KCM).

Using Fibonacci Numbers to Convert from Miles to Kilometers and Vice Versa - I recently learned an interesting fact about Fibonacci numbers while watching a random number theory video on YouTube. Fibonacci numbers can be used to approximately convert from miles to kilometers and back. Here is how.

What is Li-Fi? Get the Details on What Might Be the Next Big Thing for the Internet - A new and unique technology is around the corner, with the potential to change the way we connect to the internet. It offers different advantages than traditional Wi-Fi, though it is still too early to say what this means for broadband in our homes.

All this was saved to my GetPocket over the week