“Last-Week” Category page 6 / 7
Some things I found interesting from 2024-07-21 to 2024-07-28
Internet Discoveries between 21 July and 28 July
- The UNIX Pipe Card Game
- GitHub Private Mirrors App – Public Beta
Some things I found interesting from 2024-07-14 to 2024-07-21
Internet Discoveries between 14 July and 21 July
- 2FA Authenticator App (2FAS)
- OXO vulnerability scanning orchestrator for the modern age
- Security overview dashboards, secret scanning metrics and enablement trends reports are now generally available
Some things I found interesting from 2024-07-07 to 2024-07-14
Internet Discoveries between 7 July and 14 July
- Researchers discover underwater submarine canyons in month-long survey of sea floor
- Introduction to Circos, Features and Uses // CIRCOS Circular Genome Data Visualization
Some things I found interesting from 2024-06-30 to 2024-07-07
Internet Discoveries between 30 June and 7 July
Some things I found interesting from 2024-06-09 to 2024-06-16
Internet Discoveries between 9 June and 16 June
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